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Week2: How do I forgive?

Jan 12, 2025    Chris Roberts

How do I forgive?  

Luke 15:11-32  

The Hurt is Real!  

- "I wish you were dead!" (Hatred)

- "I want a different life!!" (Rejection)

- "I am an embarrassment!" (Shame) 

Characteristics of Repentance

1. Embraces Truth 

2. Embraces Confession 

3. Embraces Humility 

God's Response to Repentance 

1. He Desires it! 

2. He Meets you where you are!  

3. He "Cuts off" your condemnation! 

4. He gives you honor! 

5. He gives you authority! 

6. He gives you a family!  

7. He Celebrates You being with Him! 

Characteristics of the Lost Man

1. They do not want what God wants.  

2. They boast of their works instead of God's work. 

3. They want God's blessings but not Him.  

How do I forgive?  

You beg God to give you a forgiving heart like His!  

1 John 4:10